Newsletters can be an excellent way to communicate information for your business. They are short, compact publications that give your business a way to informally communicate important news to a specific audience about the company, its products, services or employees. Typically scheduled on a monthly or quarterly basis, newsletters are prepared throughout the year and geared toward a specific industry or local community.

As an instantaneous marketing strategy, newsletters can help your company establish a presence in the industry as an authority on the content you discuss. Well-researched, accurate information gives your company credibility and customers a place to go when they need information on a given topic. And, when customers receive a solid and cohesive newsletter with information they can actually use, they will begin to look forward to the next issue. Readership will build, and you will create loyal relationships between your company and your subscribers.

Interesting content paired with a visually appealing layout and images will draw in the reader while defining your brand. Whether printed or emailed, the purpose of a newsletter remains the same – to provide relevant, informative content to an audience of interested readers. This comparison chart shows the differences between using a print or email newsletter for your company.


Email Print
Labor/Time Investment Minimal, one person can create the newsletter in a few hours Similar amount of time to create the newsletter, but more time is needed for print and mailing services
Delivery Once newsletter is complete, delivery is Instantaneous Once newsletter is complete it must be printing and mailed, taking several days
Reader acceptance Filters often lead to low open rates Mail delivery has a high success rate
Readership Of emails that are opened, the percentage of those that are read is even lower and your newsletter can blend in and get lost There is less competition with print newsletters and your newsletter can stand out with text, images and a visually appealing design layout
Appearance Reading on phones and different media may cause the format to change from the original design The text, images and formatting is controlled and can’t change after printing.
Ease of production Very easy, newsletters can be created with software or though an online company Creating the newsletter is equally as easy however, commercial printing and obtaining addresses is more difficult
Cost of production Very minimal, if any cost Higher cost because of printing and mailing

Newsletters are an effective way of maintaining business relationships, and a valuable asset to any business. Using one as part of a marketing strategy would be a good idea for any business looking to gain credibility and respect among their customers and peers. There is only one decision left to be made – email or print?

Solution Graphics, Inc. is a fast, affordable option for your printing production needs. For more information on how we can help your company market with newsletters, visit us at